Spring in Schools

Staying Clear during the Season of the Ides
Hello Friends! Another edition of the Friday Focus rolls around and as always many parts and pieces to mix together.

This is the time of the year when books can be written. Student find themselves a bit war torn as the funny behaviors of their friends become, not so funny anymore. Staff members can even begin to wear on each other. The days are a bit gloomy and the goals for the year seem oceans away.

I always call this time of the year the Ides of March. That notorius date (15th) when Julius Caesar was killed. The death of Caesar made the Ides of March a turning point in Roman history, as one of the events that marked the transition from the historical period known as the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. So, jokingly I always say, beware of the Ides when we get to this time of the year.

Or, it can be the time of the year that becomes very opportunistic. You start to realize you aren’t going to achieve the goal you desired. What was working with one student isn’t working anymore. Routines are too routine. Don’t be afraid to reinvent this time of the year. Pilot a piece of a goal that you may want to put into play next year. Add a new catalyst to students to simply change things up if you feel and sense the need. It is a great time of renewal.

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